Sally Rice was from California, and she began studying her psychic gifts. She got and was using her first tarot deck of cards at the age of 12 and then she later moved to Italy where she began studying art history and working as a tour manager throughout Asia, Africa, and Europe.
In the United States
When she lived in the United States, she became a costume designer and worked in the movie industry. When she turned 50 years of age, she went back to collage and got her degree in photography and Visual Journalism, later becoming a news writer for a magazine and newspaper in California.
She left the United States in 2011 and moved to South America and was living in the jungle, studying the life of Shamans. This led her to her spiritual awakening.
Shaman Life
Sally Rice spent a lot of time in other areas such as Peru, where she worked with Shamans, then Brazil and UK where she studied Trance Mediumship at the Arthur Findlay College of Spiritualism.
Spiritual Path
Sally Rice has been working on her own spiritual path since 2010 and she became a journalist, photographer, writer, and a psychic medium. She now lives in Costa Rica.
When Sally was 2 years of age, she remembers being aware of her own spiritual gifts. She remembers her mom coming down the stairs, upset, and she remembers wondering why her mom had forgotten about their other life on the other side and how she forgot about the contract that she had.
This was part of her first knowledge of the spiritual world and even though Sally didn’t understand this, she realized that her own mother didn’t realize that she was incarnated to the earth and that her mother had forgotten her spiritual path.
As she got older, she realized that her mom was very psychic, and she would just seem to know things without having any real information. Sally believes that this gift was passed down to her. She remembers that her mom knew things like the time that the dog got hit by the car and her mom was away from home but called to find out what happened to the dog.
Spiritual Guides
Sally remembers that her spiritual guides came to her from a young age, and she thought that everyone around could see them. The guides would visit her on a regular basis as a child but when she became a teenager, they faded some.
Tarot Cards
When Sally was 12 years old, she started studying and reading Tarot cards, astrology and palm reading. She would give readings for others and do readings for herself.
Growing Up
As Sally grew up, her spiritual gifts got stronger. She loved her gift and embraced them with open arms, changing her career so that she could help people to find their own psychic path.
She talked to her own spirit guides continuously and would show others how to communicate with their guides too. She knew that energy was everywhere. She works with light energy and spiritual beings that have higher vibrations and she believes that you can reach your higher purpose as you experience your life.
Final Words
Sally wants to help people to reach their higher selves by getting rid of shame and having love, wisdom, and compassion for themselves and for others.
‘Sally’s commitment to helping others find their own paths is commendable; it emphasizes the importance of mentorship in spiritual journeys.’
Sally’s awareness of her spiritual gifts from such a young age raises interesting questions about the nature of psychic abilities and their origins.
Her experiences living in diverse environments undoubtedly contribute to a richer understanding of spirituality and shamanism, which should be documented more extensively.
The connection between personal trauma and spiritual awakening, as illustrated in Sally’s story, merits further exploration within the realm of psychological studies.
The journey of Sally Rice is both inspiring and intriguing, particularly her transition from costume design to spiritual exploration.
It’s noteworthy how she balances her artistic pursuits with her spiritual practices. This interdisciplinary approach can yield profound insights.
It is fascinating how her experiences across various cultures have shaped her understanding of spirituality. This perspective is often overlooked in contemporary discussions.